An Act committing to higher education the resources to insure a strong and healthy public higher education system - H.1260 - S.816
Most Americans, when polled, think that Higher education is receiving the same or more funding than it did in the past. But per pupil funding from the state is down 31% since 2001, and this is forcing public institutions to delay repairs, try to cut costs, and push higher tuition and fees on students who can ill afford them.
The Commission on Public Higher Education Finance issued a report in 2014 outlining this chronic underfunding, but our legislature hasn't taken major action. Every year, tiny increases in the state budget barely keep up for inflation, meanwhile students and educators pay the costs. Read more here.
Ought not to pass under Joint Rule 10
Amendment adopted
Bill re-introduced as H.1260/S.816
No further action taken by House Ways and Means
Referred to the Joint Committee on Higher Education
Hearing held by the Joint Committee on Higher Education
House Rules Committee reported favorably and referred to House Ways and Means
Reporting date extended to April 4, 2022
New draft reported favorably by the Joint Committee on Higher Education as H.4694 and referred to the Rules Committee in each branch
Hearing held by the Joint Committee on Higher Education
Referred to House Committee on Higher Education as H.1325
Bill re-filed as HD.1224
Bill killed via study order
Extension Order - committee allowed until Nov 20th to act, far too late to allow the bill to pass this session
Bill filed
Committee Hearing - Joint Committee on Education