"The Fine Print" from our bylaws
Posted: 2/19/2019
Act on Mass, Inc. is a nonprofit education and advocacy corporation that promotes the social welfare by educating the public about matters related to law, public policy, and any matter which might be considered to have an impact on the social welfare of residents of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and by organizing residents, community groups and social welfare groups to engage in civic participation and advocate on behalf of issues to related to those concerns subject to and in accordance with the Articles of Organization, Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code, Chapter 180 of the General Laws of Massachusetts and applicable law as they may from time to time be amended.
General Members are defined as members of the organization who have joined the organization by taking an affirmative action to join, including but not limited to: 1. Signing up to become a Member of the Organization, either on the Organization’s Website or by completing and returning a paper membership Form or in accordance with such procedures as may be determined by the Board of Directors; or 2. Affirmatively agreeing over the phone to become a member and provide membership information as may be lawfully required by the Board of Directors, and by agreeing to receive informational updates from the organization; or 3. Attending a meeting of the Organization and signing up as a member in accordance with the Organization’s lawful requirements; or 4. Agreeing to exercise reasonable efforts to contact their elected representatives in State Government to promote the Organization’s purposes and priorities and signing up as a member in accordance with the Organization’s lawful requirements.
Rights of General Members. From time to time, General Members will vote on the issue priorities of the Organization, following a process determined by the Board of Directors and at the discretion of the Board of Directors and with such vote on such issues as set forth by the Board of Directors. Voting may take place through electronic voting, paper ballots or such means as determined by the Board of Directors. Timing and frequency of these priority votes will be determined by the Board of Directors, and the Board reserves the right to include additional priorities not selected by the general membership.
Membership Meetings. Regular and Special meetings of the General shall be held as determined by the Board of Directors for the purpose of Members exercising their rights under 7.4 and 7.5, and any other matters the Board of Directors determines to submit to the membership. At least fourteen (14) calendar days' notice shall be given prior to the holding of any Membership Meeting.