04/01/2023 Saturday Scoop: Healey signs first bill into law + Mariano's tax cut tease
This seemingly slow start to spring (I want daffodils and I want them now) is being outmatched by an even slower start on Beacon Hill….
Posted on February 18, 2023
Six weeks into the 193rd legislative session, things are finally starting to move. Or more accurately, things can finally move: the senate….
Posted on February 11, 2023
We did it: we survived another rules season. The House voted on their rules last Wednesday (2/1). In case you didn’t catch it, you can read….
Posted on February 02, 2023
With two days of notice, and 24 hours to read over 200 pages of legislation, the House voted on the rules yesterday afternoon. There’s no….
Posted on January 28, 2023
You might have noticed that there hasn’t been much news coming from Beacon Hill since the new session began earlier this month. (Then again….
Posted on January 21, 2023
Finally, some wintry weather to remind us it is January, after all! Another sure sign it’s January, yesterday was the legislature’s bill….