An Act providing for the creation of a permanent commission relative to the education of American Indian and Alaska Native residents of the Commonwealth - H.536 - S.318
Proposing a permanent commission towards improving educational outcomes and opportunities for American Indian and Alaska Native students. Broader impacts of the commission are the promotion of tribal self-determination by providing students with the opportunity to learn their heritage, languages and histories while preparing them for higher education. Learn more here.
No further action taken by House or Senate Ways + Means
Reporting date extended to March 15, 2024
Consolidated away with several other bills as H.4519/S.2709 without any actual content of the initial bill included; Bill reported favorably and referred to the House and Senate Ways + Means committees
Joint committee hearing held
Bill re-filed as H.536/S.318
No further action taken by House Ways and Means
Referred to the Joint Committee on Education
Bill, re-drafted as H.4539, reported favorably and referred to House Ways and Means
Referred to the House Committee on Education
Hearing held by the Committee on Education
Introduced as H.582
MA Indigenous Legislative Agenda